Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The Grouchy Ladybug by Eric Carle

For all of you who have read The Grouchy Ladybug by Eric Carle, you will know exactly what I'm talking about when I say "What the crap did I just read and why did I read it?!"  

I do enjoy Eric Carle's illustrations and I'm a huge Caterpillar fan, but I'm still angry at myself for purchasing this book...even for $1.00.  

The Grouchy Ladybug by Eric Carle (1977)

 Maybe I'm overreacting....and I mean maybe, but let me explain.

As you can see in the picture below, it has the same concept as the caterpillar book, with the growing size of pages...starting with a small 3 inch page to the full book size page.  On each page, the grouchy ladybug finds a new animal or a new bug and asks it the same thing, over and over and over "Want to fight?"  He does this every hour...as you can see by the small clocks in the right corner of each page.  Apparently, this ladybug has major issues as he finds some excuse to not fight each time.  Ugh.
 I won't tell you the ending.  Crap, I can't even spoil a rotten ending, but if you are expecting a dramatic, beautiful ending... it's not there.

By the way, this book did end up on the School Library's Journal of 100 Greatest Children's Picture Books.

Just a little tid bit on Eric Carle:  His artwork is most definitely recognizable by all who know him (even by one book).  He actually hand paints, then cuts the paper into the designs; just as you can see on the ladybug above.  He loves nature which is why most of his stories are about bugs, animals or even things we see in the sky.

If you disagree with my review, you can still purchase this book for a great price on both Amazon and Thriftbooks.  If you are purchasing $10 or more in books, purchase this from Thriftbooks.  Otherwise, purchase it on Amazon for $ .01 plus $3.99 shipping.

The Grouchy Ladybug
Eric Carle

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