Thursday, July 9, 2015

Sparrow Socks by George Selden

Both of my little boys each get one story before they go to sleep.  It's been this way since both of them turned 3 months old (when we switched them over to their crib from the bassinet).  It's now something my 2 year old can't live without.  There was once that he was being naughty before he went to bed so I decided to skip storytime and get him straight to bed.  As I was leaving, he started saying "book" over and over.  It made my heart melt.  He loved his storytime and knew it was missing that night.

So I sat next to him and read him this little gem:

Sparrow Socks by George Selden (1965)

This was such an original story, which I'm grateful to find nowadays.
I won't give away the ending, but if businesses could read this book, they'd understand how this story could reflect a huge impact on the way they perform and advertise

 My copy of this book is very old, as you can see.  Barely holding on (with tape) and worn fabric for the cover.  But I love it.  It shows that it's been used and read, which is what it was meant to do.

The Story:  Angus McFee works at his father and two uncle's sock factory.  His jobs usually consist of cleaning the machines and cleaning up the extra yarn that falls out.  One winter day, he discovers his sparrow friends are cold and places socks on each one to help them out.  But unfortunately uses up all the yarn in the factory despite the business being in financial turmoil.  Learn how this little boy finds out what doing a good deed for someone (or something) does in return.  
 The story was great, though I'd have to say this wasn't a story that would intrigue a 2 year old.  Perhaps more for the 8-10 year olds.  The paragraphs are long but more unfortunately, the illustrations aren't spectacular enough for little kids.  There is some great detail, especially when he drew the machines, and I do love how the pictures are black and white expect for the socks which are red.  But they are just pencil/pen type of drawings.

For the story, it's great.  One thing you have to be aware of is when the characters talk, they speak in irish/scots dialect.  Sometimes I had a hard time figuring out what they were saying.
I was fortunate to find my copy at the thrift store for .50 cents.  It was originally a library copy from the Salt Lake Countty library.  What's interesting, and I'm sure my boys will find it interesting too is how the late fee was only .02 cents per day.  So, back then, if you didn't return this book for a year after the due date, it would only cost you $7.30.

Where to buy:

This book isn't cheap since it's no longer in print.  But would make a great addition to a library that boasts historical and vintage pieces of literature or if you read this as a child and need it to keep those memories alive.

The best place to purchase is on Amazon for about $25 plus shipping.  Click the link below to purchase:

1 comment:

  1. Having 13+ years of experience serving knitting importers and brands, our knitting factory is specialized in manufacturing printed men and women socks/ kids socks/ sports socks/ yoga socks/ diabetic socks/ touchscreen gloves/ warm winter gloves/ work and safety gloves/ knit scarf and beanie hats, etc. socks factory
