Thursday, August 20, 2015

The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle

With this blog being written about children's book, it will come as no surprise that this book would end up on here.

But I'm going to be honest with you, in my opinion, Eric Carle is a fantastic painter, illustrator and creator.  Someone can show you one of his images and you would know right off the bat that it came from Carle.  He's so unique.

But is he a great children's writer?

Not really.                 ("Boo!"...."Hiss!"...) -- This is probably what you're saying, right?

Eric Carle started out as just an illustrator.  And many people actually mistaken this book as just an Eric Carle book, but it isn't - Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?.  This book was actually written by Bill Martin, Jr. (who actually wrote Chicka Chicka Boom Boom) and he sought out Carle after seeing a picture of a lobster than Carle did.  After it's success, Carle took his turn in writing and published 1,2,3 to the Zoo   aaaannnndddd...

The Very Hungry Caterpillar (1969)

I'll admit, I have two copies.  One in board book and the other in full size hardcover.

This is a story about a Caterpillar's journey as he goes from a hungry youngin' (however you spell that) to a beautiful butterfly.

So let me say this.  This book is amazing for two reasons.

1. The pictures.

They are great.  The colors are wonderful.  The images themselves really pop out. I just remember as a little kid looking at those pictures and being so amazed.

 2. The layout.  Every kid loves the part where the caterpillar eats through the one apple, the two pears, the three plums, etc.  And where it starts out as a small page, grows bigger the more he eats through.....and those holes.  What kid doesn't like caterpillar holes through a book.

But the writing is very basic...BUT basic enough for a toddler which is why this book is great for 2-4 year olds....beyond that, I would say it's only the pictures that would amaze.
         (The above picture is of the hardcover that I have.  It's an early printing of the 1987 version)

Should Eric Carle give up on the writing?  No.  I'll admit that I have read one book that actually had a good story and great illustration (Papa, Please Get the Moon For Me) which I will cover later.  I'm still trying to get over the bad repetitiveness of The Grouchy Ladybug.  

But I wish that he'd do illustrations for other authors.  There are some great stories out there but with horrible pictures that he could have made into a masterpiece.

TIDBIT:  Every minute, a copy of The Very Hungry Caterpillar is sold.


If you are looking to just get the board book, which is great for toddlers and their messy hands, then you are in luck!  Because that's pretty much how they print it anyways.  They no longer print this in paperback and if you want the hardcover version, you can buy it new or used for cheap but it's in mini version, 5"x4".

If you want the full size hardcover, it's a bit harder to find because they are no longer printed.  I've only found two in the last three years at a thrift store and one full size paperback, but all the rest are the boardbooks, which I see quite often.

But luckily Amazon and Thriftbooks both have them used.  Thriftbooks is the best place to get the full size hardcover since it's cheaper.

Click below to purchase from either Thriftbooks or Amazon
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Eric Carle

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