Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Pickle-Chiffon Pie by Jolly Roger Bradfield

This next book is not one that I read as a kid.  In fact, I didn't know it existed until 2 years ago when I found it in a Savers Thrift Store, looked it up on Amazon, and saw that Amazon was actually paying people to trade in this book cause the demand is high for it.

And because of that, I have two copies....  I was going to trade it in to Amazon to make money off of it, but I couldn't get it out of my hand and into an envelope.  So I kept both.  I mean, I have two kids.  Why not?

Pickle - Chiffon Pie by Jolly Roger Bradfield  (1967)

I read this the other night to my oldest son (who doesn't understand anything I say...or just doesn't care) but I really enjoyed it.

This is about a King (who loves pickle-chiffon pie) who wants the best prince to marry his princess.  He has three men prove themselves by sending them out into the forest.  Each man has to come back with the most unusual, unique thing they have ever seen.

When the first two princes have found what they were looking for, the third prince thinks he has, until he realizes that the animal he found (who makes pickle-chiffon pie) has a family, he is in a dilemma.....  tear him away from his family to send him to the king to win the princess' hand or lose his only chance at winning but keep a family together.

Your child will find out what is the most honorable (and unique) thing to do beyond all else.

It's such a cute story.  I love the moral of the book as well.  It's not often you find a story that's so original as this one, which is why it's probably in high demand on Amazon, too.

Plus, how can you pass up a book with an author such as Jolly Roger?  I mean, really?  I think that's what initially got me looking at the book.

The illustrations are perfect for the 60's as well.  I must have some type of 60's - 70's colors fetish because I just adore it.  Especially the way they look like watercolors in this book.  It looks like the illustrator ACTUALLY took his time to create those pictures.

Is this book worth it?  YES!  You need a book with honorable morals.  No more ABC books or a funny book about squirrels or pigeons....we have enough of those.  This is a book that a child should read.

You can purchase this on both Amazon and Thriftbooks USED for the same amount.  You will be paying about $10 for the lowest amount but it will be worth it.  You can hold out if you want for a thrift store find but in 3 years, I've only seen 2.  (And that's searching about 9 different thrift stores)

By the way, Amazon is no longer accepting trade ins.

Click below to purchase at either Amazon or Thriftbooks to get this wonderful story!

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