Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Disney Knew We Were Going To the Moon

Let's start this.  I every now and then roam a thrift store hoping to find, well, the ultimate find.  Have I found it?  It all depends on what's inside, right?  Plus, if you can scuffle through about 5 shelves, about 10 feet long, with a 1 year old boy patiently.......wait, wait, wait....... I shouldn't say patiently.  I have to have a bag of french fries, a sippy cup of water, his musical toy, AND he has to sit in the basket of the cart to even get through it.  So, if I can find something decent in that time, it's a treasure.

So a few weeks ago, I found this book at a Deseret Industries.  It was in the children's section and only cost me $1.00.  I have no idea why it looked interesting.  I guess it just looked old plus it's a book about the possibility of going to the moon, 10 years before we actually got there.  

When I got home, I began the research.  So begins our first discussion.  I love  If you are looking to see a good estimate of what your book is valued, go to this site.  If you want a second opinion, just search the book on Amazon and see what others are selling it for.

So abebooks only has one copy but it's a paperback for $31.50.  No copies are being sold on Amazon.  Ugh, I've never had this happen before.

So, I just googled the book and found out that this is one book is a 6 part series that Walt Disney did for his Tomorrowland Adventure Series.  He only had the book published and sent out to school libraries.

I found someone selling the entire set on Ebay for $15,000 dollars (WOW!) but still have no idea how much it's worth individually......anyone ever encounter this book? Would love to know more about it as there really isn't much on the internet.

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