Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Welcome to my new page.  My name is Jennifer.  I prefer to go by Jen since one syllable is easier to say.   I'm a photographer, creator of crafts, wife to one great man and mom to one silly boy.  I believe in God, love and human error.  And, of course, I looooove books.

When I was little, you could find me in my room with the many books that I had.  I could read the same one over and over again, but unfortunately, I didn't keep those treasures.  I actually have no idea what happened to them.  Now, that I'm a mama, I want my little guy to enjoy that same pastime.  Plus, children's books are highly recommended for creating a vocabulary and enhancing the young mind.

That brings you to here:  My little boy with a big library blog.  The reason?  I started collecting books for my son when I was around 6 months pregnant.  I would go to the nearest thrift store (we have about 5 within a 20 mile radius) and I would scout for all the books that I had when I was young.  His library started from 1 book, to 30 books, to 150 books..............suddenly without realizing, I was at around 700 books for my "bubs" library.  Woops.  Many of which I found at the thrift store, paid around 50 cents, and found out they are worth $25 to even hundreds of dollars each.  But like I tell my husband, you can never have too many books.

Now, let's get down to it.  Here, you will be seeing the different items in my son's library, the good and the not so bad.  Promoting or criticizing stories.  Give you some interesting facts.  Finding the valuable books, and maybe helping others in finding the values in theirs.  And teaching you about different publishers, how to tell on the date of the book, the printing, etc.

Enjoy and feel free to comment (be nice) and ask questions that hopefully I can answer for you.

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