Thursday, May 29, 2014

There Are Rocks In My Socks Said the Ox to the Fox by Patricia Thomas

Well, before that Fox said fraka-kaka-kaka-kaka-kow, he was telling an ox how to get rocks out of his socks.

I have no idea why this book rang in my memory when I saw it.  I don't know if maybe I read it in Elementary, or saw it on Reading Rainbow, or what...... but the poem in this book is so familiar.

It was the title that really stuck out to me when I saw it in the thrift store.

There Are Rocks in My Socks Said the Ox to the Fox by Patricia Thomas

Such a clever book, really.  I think this is a great classic that would be read over and over by a child of this generation.  It's long enough to keep a 5 year old busy for sure but interesting enough that my 2 year old will actually stay engaged during the entire story.  Most because of the pictures and the fact that I keep saying rocks in my socks.  

The entire book is a poem, where all the lines try to rhyme with the next.  Such a poor big ox has rocks in his socks and can't get them out.  So he puts his trust in the fox who makes the ox try different things to get them out but the ox gets in a worse predicament then the last.  

I also adore the illustrations.  The colors are true to it's age....published back in 1979.  Every other page is color and the other pages are in black and white.  They are just perfect.  The colors do remind you of the 70s.  The pictures are amazing.  I love illustrations where you know that the illustrator actually took their time do draw and not just putting down scribbles.

I have no idea how many of these books they made.  They never made a printing line for it but unfortunately, this book is out of print.  They really do need to bring it back.  I found this gem at Deseret Industries for $1.00 and did find two other copies for .50 quite a while later (one of which I sold on Amazon)

This book does cost a little more than what I would like to pay.  If you want a decent copy, it's going to cost you.  You can get this book for about $18 plus $3.99 shipping for a good used copy or you can buy it like new for about $50
BUUUUTTTT... if you are okay with the library edition, you can purchase this book on Amazon for $1.75 plus $3.99 shipping. And, as I said before, I love library editions, so I think it's worth it.
Thriftbooks is usually sold out but you can add it to your wish list and they will email you when a copy becomes available.

Honestly, this novel used to be only around $8-9 on Amazon just a year ago and now they've doubled in price.  So I would get a copy now because this book only increases in value the more it ages.

Anyone remember this book as a child or heard the poem elsewhere?

Click below to purchase from Amazon. The first one is for the original hardcover book and the second one is if you want to pay much cheaper for library edition.

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